Sommer 10 - 20 Uhr
   Winter 10 - 18 Uhr
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Add Team Mem­bers

Team page images like the ones below are added to the page via a short­code mana­ger. No short­codes to remem­ber, it’s all done for you with 3 easy clicks.

Becau­se teams are ins­er­ted with short­codes it can be added to any page any post, and any con­tent type that will accept short­codes.

The advan­ced team tools that’s added with the upgraded Cro­ma restau­rant frame­work, will make your work a bree­ze, and will add con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons that’s out of this world

  • Val And­rews

    Our pastry Chef, regar­ded as one of our cities (and we think our coun­tries) best.

  • Tra­cy King

    Always smi­ling, always wil­ling to go the extra mile, That’s our head wai­tress Tra­cy for you.

  • Peter Nor­th

    Our head chef and all around good guy keeps our menu’s top of the world.

  • John Jack­son

    Our Som­me­lier will keep your glas­ses fil­led to the brim with a choice from our finest.

Adding team pages requi­res 5 easy steps.

  1. Crea­te a cate­go­ry to group all the team items that belong toge­ther.
  2. Add your team posts.
  3. Add your team cate­go­ry to the post.
  4. Cli­ck to open your short­code mana­ger.
  5. Ins­ert the team short­code.
