Sommer 10 - 20 Uhr
   Winter 10 - 18 Uhr
 Freitags geschlossen

Spe­cials, Pro­mo­ti­ons and Ban­ners

Up till now, spe­cials and pro­mo­ti­ons was dis­re­gar­ded as a fea­ture for theme’s though it;s the life­b­lood of the enter­tain­ment and food indus­try.

We chan­ged this by adding spe­cials and promo’s not just as an post or blog cate­go­ry, but as a real fea­ture, backed with an intel­li­gent algo­rithm and ban­ners throughout the the­me to mena­ge your spe­cials and pro­mo­ti­ons.

Our spe­cials mana­ger is a “set and for­get” fea­ture that will cal­cu­la­te the events and dis­play the spe­cials and pro­mo­ti­ons as they are upco­m­ing. And if the pro­mo­ti­ons pas­sed, it will be remo­ved from your spe­cials list.


As With all the the­me fea­tures, spe­cials and ban­ners can be added ot the the­me without brea­king a sweat, and is super cust­o­miz­ab­le throughout.